Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Camacho Candela

After my Rocky Patel Vintage 92 debacle, I tried to onsole myself with a Camacho Candela, monarch (robusto) size. Second time I've had this cigar, and good both times. The first time seemed to start out crispier and heartier, as I recall; last night's took a while to warm up and crackle. On the other hand, I'd just smoked half of an Indian Tabac Super Fuerte, which might have compromised my judgement.

By the middle of the cigar, this green-wrapped baby started taking on a dusky, hazy flavor - a pleasing, grassy, warmth like standing the middle of a hay field that's been cut early on a summer day that promises to be hot and humid. You're there at just the right time, dew on your feet, smelling the wonder of it all. Anyway, just as I was starting to groove on the Camacho, it was time to go. I hated leaving the last half of this downright cordial smoke in the ashtray. I can't be sure, but I believe it was going to be the best part of the cigar.

Yet again confirming rule #32: Don't pressure-smoke a cigar. Give yourself the time to smoke it to the prime, or don't smoke it at all. When will I ever learn?

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