Thursday, May 21, 2009

Camacho SLR Maduro Gigante

The Camacho SLR Maduro Gigante is a wonderful cigar with plenty of rich flavor and smoke, medium in power and verging on strong as you burn down the pole. Although called "Gigante," it is shorter than a Churchill - about 6.5 inches long and 52 ring in width.

Although full-bodied, this specimen is in no way harsh or bitter, unlike it's stubby little brother, the SLR Rothschild maduro. Also it will not knock you for quite the nicotine loop as, say, the 10th Anniversary series. The SLR is a bit more suble, more woody and leafy, less peppery.

The light was easy, the burn was fine and only one touch-up was needed -- and this only because my wife called me away to dig up some plants in the back yard. If you're a Camacho fan, you know that you can't leave one untended for more than 3 or 4 minutes. They simply burn out. An occasional relight is a small price to pay for the flavor and consistency this brand provides.

There is nothing quite like a big ol' Camacho maduro to cheer you up and get you looking on the bright side of life. From the first puff to the last stubby inch, the SLR Maduro Gigante provides excellent flavor and performance. Another winner from one of the true kingpins of powerful cigars.

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