Saturday, June 26, 2010

Don Pepin Garcia Series JJ Selectos Maduro

The Series JJ Selectos Maduro (i.e. robusto size) is a perfectly constructed, fine burning cigar that chunks out flavorful, full bodied smoke from beginning to end and requires little if any touch-up. Another great selection from the CigarsDirect vault.

I found it a little wanting in the flavor department. It has a flat maduro flavor rather than one with a sweet tinge that makes a maduro special, in my opinion. Your taste may be different than mine, and if you like other Pepin maduros you might like this one. I prefer the Pepin "Blue" and "Cuban Classic" maduros to the Series JJ. Also the mind-blowing Series JJ Corojo, which I believe is one of the finest corojos on the market today.

The Series JJ Maduro reminded me a bit of:
All of which are high-quality, premium cigars whose flavor just happens to not be my bag. If you like the flavor profile of any of those, you will probably like the JJ Maduro.

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