Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Opus X No. 5: Number 2 on my list

If I hadn't smoked the magnificent Casa Magna Pikito a week ago, I might have been more generous in my review of the similar-sized Opus X no. 5. But I did, and the results are inescapable: In the petite corona size, Opus X just can't live up to the flavor and consistency of the Casa Magna.

I will say that the Opux X no. 5 is the strongest small cigar I have ever smoked with such cool and balanced flavor. I would challenge anyone to find a stronger petite corona that could be smoked with such pleasure. The description at the Cigars Direct website is not misleading: The Opux X no. 5 is made with rich, seasoned tobaccos and deserves its place among the world's finer cigars. However the one I smoked required several touchups, and the last 2 inches began to exhibit bitter notes.

The Casa Magna, while not as strong, was equally magnificent in the flavor department, performed longer and better, and required no touchup. If I had to choose, the Opux X would come in second. Sorry, Fuente freaks. The no. 5 is one of the best petite coronas out there, especially if you love strength above all else. But for all-around performance and finesse, the Casa Magna is a finer smoke.

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